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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Asher James: 20 Weeks

The big news this week was of course finding out our BabyP2 is a boy!!!! For me finding out the gender makes it feel all the more real and gets me even more expected for the arrival.

Along with the ultrasound I also had our 20 week checkup at the doctors office. Not too much to report really, which is good news.

How far along: 20 weeks
Gender: I was right...its a boy!
Baby's heartbeat: 138bpm
Weight gain: 9lbs so far
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts and pants all of the time. My tops I use both maternity and non maternity
Stretch marks: No new ones
Belly button in or out: In 
Sleep: Sleep has been great recently (minus the one night James had a sinus infection and due to his snoring I literally saw the sun come up). I don't need to nap everyday which is great as it's my time to get things done around the house
Best moment this week: Finding out we have a healthy boy 
Miss anything: Chase was a bit of a handful this week and a glass of wine at the end of the day would have been amazing
Movement: Feeling bigger kicks and punches daily. James even felt him move once
Cravings: Chinese food
Queasy or sick: I've really been able to cut back on the Zofran. On average I'm only needing it once every few days. My back has really been bothering me the past few days, oh joy!
Looking forward to: starting to get things ready for the lil guy

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