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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Asher James: Three Months

The month of December has flown by and I can't believe we have a 3 month old already but my how our love for our little A man has grown. He really is such laid back and pleasant baby, just taking the in the world one day at a time.

We didn't have an official 3 month check up with the doctor but did have a couple of visits this month due to pesky coughs and colds and while we were there he weighed in at 14lbs 12oz. With having an older sibling Asher has unfortunately already had a cough and a cold at 3 months of age, there is nothing worse than seeing your little baby all stuffed up and congested and not being able to do much for them. Other than the mentioned cold Asher is one healthy and solid baby boy. He is still sleeping really well; he goes down around 8pm and will sleep until 6am, eats and goes back to sleep until 9am so no complaints from me. We did transition him to his crib over Christmas week and it didn't phase him in the slightest, like I said he's a really laid back baby. He is still in our room for now, we just weren't ready to part yet :)

During the day he has awake time for anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours. During that time he enjoys being read to (Little Blue Trucks Christmas was his favorite this Christmas season and would break into a huge smile when the lights twinkled on the last page), loves being talked to and sung to (Rudolf the Reindeer was a huge hit), kicks around on his gym, sits in my lap and plays with toys and quite possibly his most favorite activity is to watch big brother Chase zoom around the playroom at 100 miles per hour. It really is the most heartwarming thing to see their relationship develop. As soon as Chase shows Asher any kind of attention Asher lights up and starts cooing, which amuses Chase to no end. Little A man is still kicking butt with tummy time and has started to do mini push ups (working on those biceps for the summer by the pool). It seemed as if he was going to roll from tummy to back this month but it hasn't happened.

We have really found our groove with the two boys now and have fully adopted a new schedule and routine. I can barely remember what it was like just having one child at this point. Each day is non stop from the moment we wake up until we get back into bed, but with that comes so much fun and endless hugs and kisses from our little A man, or Ashey as Chase calls him.

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