

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Turkey Day 2014

Snow on the ground, lots of food, and being surrounded with family is what make a great Thanksgiving, and a great Thanksgiving we had and we got to host in our new house. My Dad, Jen and siblings all came over and we had a wonderful time. It was a team effort with the cooking and we had quite a feast; turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing, rolls and a bunch of veggies. I have to say it was hands down the best turkey I've made to date. 

It was an extra special Thanksgiving this year with it being the first with Asher. I love getting to dress them up in holiday attire and his turkey shirt was exceptionally cute. Chase was so excited to see everyone and he loves to play with Uncle Davey and Aunt Naomi. By the time they left he was completely exhausted and crashed the second his head hit the mattress.

We really do have so much to be thankful for this year; our two healthy and unbelievably cute boys, our new beautiful house that we own (no more paying rent!), our family that spoils the boys and are always there for us, the best friends we could ask for, and James having a stable job that allows me to stay home and raise the boys. I never take any of these things for granted but it is nice to take a day and really focus on giving thanks and spending time with those with love.

Now time to go indulge on some apple pie and ice cream...

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