

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

This Moment..

You know those moments, they can be rare, but in that moment everything seems so right, so perfect and complete? Where there is nowhere else you could imagine being?

I had one of those yesterday. It was a beautiful spring day and after spending the day pottering around the house we took the boys to French Creek State Park. Chase has been asking to go the beach lately (boy after my own heart) and with a failed attempt to get to the actual beach we thought we would take him to the lake at French Creek State Park and he could dig in the little strip of sand that is there.

We arrived around 5pm, it was a beautiful evening. Chase was beyond excited to get to dig in the sand, skip rocks with Daddy and explore as boys do. Asher got to feel sand for the first time and ate his dinner al fresco.

As I watched my beautiful boys take in all that surrounded them and observed my husband playing with them, my heart was full. This is what I live for, moments like this. Having children brings crazy moments, James work schedule is insane and our day to day lives are non stop, but these memories are what make it all worth it.

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