

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter...2015 Edition

Warmer weather, bright colors and yummy candy..who doesn't love Easter? We had a great holiday weekend; lots of family time, no cooking and a wonderful church service.

The first thing out of Chase's mouth when I went in to get him out of his crib was, "Mummy the Easter bunny come and bring me lots of boxes?' I think somebody may be getting confused with Christmas but I love his enthusiasm. Needless to say Chase was beyond excited to see a basket full of goodies just for him. The Easter Bunny filled it with candy, Pete the Cat Easter book, Lightening McQueen and Sally, a lacing set, stamping kit and playdoh. There is nothing like experiencing a holiday through the eyes of a 2 year old, everything is just so exciting and amazing.

It was Asher's first Easter, and even though he had no clue what was going on he fed off of big brother's excitement and was babbling and kicking non stop. The Easter Bunny also left a basket with goodies for Asher; an Easter book and some puffs.

We attended Easter service. We have been going to the same church as my parents and we do love it there. It is a hike and with having a newborn and all of us being sick over the winter months we haven't gotten there as much as we would like lately, but when we do we really feel like we belong. We had lunch at my parents house and got to hangout with them for the afternoon. Chase had a blast wrestling with cousin Chris and Uncle Davey, as well as coloring with Annika and Naomi. He crashed when we left. Asher was equally as spoilt as he got to nap in Mummy and Daddy's arms all day. We finished the day with picking up dinner and cleaning out the garage.

The weekend before Easter weekend we had Chase's friends and their families over for an Easter egg hunt in our yard. It was precious seeing them all waiting in anticipation to go and find the eggs with their baskets in hand. It will certainly be something we do every year.

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