

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Back on the Island

This past weekend we headed up to Long Island, NY for a good friends baby shower. Though our time on the island was brief it was a great little get away the four of us.

We decided to leave on the Friday evening around the boys bedtime figuring they would sleep the entire time and we would just transfer them to the hotel room. Nope that didn't happen, both boys were wide awake and hyper as anything. Asher 'yelled' at us the first half of the ride so I hopped in the back with the boys and that seemed to help Asher out a little and eventually he fell asleep. Chase however was too excited going over so many bridges (that were lit up) and seeing the NYC sky line. I have to admit it was fun showing him all the sights along the way. We made it to the hotel around 10pm, both boys went down to sleep perfectly in the room, that was until 2:30am when Chase decided the pack n play was not the place he wanted to sleep. By 6am I had both boys snuggled up with me, sleep I did not get, but seeing the boys cuddled up next to each other was just the cutest thing ever.

Saturday was baby shower day for my friend Kim who is expecting her second child but first girl. I couldn't be more excite for her and can't wait to see her tiny bundle - and yes I will be living vicariously through her and buying all the girl clothes that Target stocks. I took Asher to the shower with me, I was a little hesitant because I wasn't sure how he would do with sitting around but he was amazing; completely pigged out on all the yummy NY food, didn't fuss and flirted with all of the women at the party. Chase stayed with James and the two of them went on adventure to watch the boats in the harbor - with Swedish fish in tow. They had a great time walking around, eating donuts and watching the ferry come into port and the cars unload. Chase called the ferry a transformer, I love how his mind works.

We had decided to only stay on the island for a night as we have so much else going on this summer but before we drove home we decided to grab some dinner and take the boys to the beach seeing we were right there. We ate at E.R. Singletons Seafood Shack on the beach and it was awesome, well you know as much as a non seafood eating girl can say that about a seafood restaurant lol. The best part was the restaurant was located on the beach so as soon we were done eating we headed down onto the sand. Chase takes after his mummy in that he loves the beach and seems so at home there. Immediately he was digging holes in the sand and had his boats in the water and declared he was going to sit in the water; fully clothed. Luckily neither I or James freak out about the boys getting messy, its part of being a child and having fun. Also, we carry spare clothes everywhere we go so it wasn't a big deal.

My brain was not operating at full capacity due to the lack of sleep so I completely forgot to take photos of the shower but I did manage to snap some photos of the boys at the beach and figured I would share a few.

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