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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Asher James: Eighteen Months


Stats: Oh my little tank is, still, well a tank lol. It is amazing how close in size he is to Chase. At his 18 month check up he weighed 26lbs 12oz (61%) and 34 inches tall (91%). He is in size 2t clothing put will probably switch to 3t before his 2nd birthday.

Sleep: Still doing well with his sleep, usually averages 12 to 13 hours at night and a 2 hour nap during the day if we are home. If we are out and about for the day he will snooze in the car when he can. I still have to rock him to sleep for his nap but not for bedtime. He has adjusted to Chase being in his room really well.

Social: I still haven't put Asher in any class setting or found a storytime that works with our schedule but he really come out of his shell and loves being around other kids. He loves when Chase's friends come over to play and joins right in along side of them. He and his little friend Isabelle having realized they can play together so it's cute seeing that friendship develop, though he adores her big sister Madison. He still has a hard time being dropped off in childwatch at the Y or Sunday School at church but we rarely get called to come get him before we are done with our workout or service. Once he turns 2 I do plan on signing him up for swimming and would love to find somewhere that does a sports class for his age as he is all about basketball, baseball, and soccer.

Diet: He has a love/hate relationship with food. One day he will eat anything I put in front of him and the next day will barely have a bite of anything. It used to stress me out but I've come to realize this is just the way he is and hopefully he grows out of it. On the days he wants to eat there really isn't much he won't eat.
Skills/Milestones: Asher runs, and runs and runs. He is trying ever so hard to jump and loves to dance with his brother. He can throw ball clear across the room and catch equally as well. He is climbing on or over anything. He will sit for a while building legos, taking them apart and then building them again. He is also quite handy with puzzles. My boys love to talk. Asher's speech is def above average. If you ask him to say something he will normally repeat it, some of his latest words as pessss (please), I-pop (ice pop), mik (milk), cup, soccer ball, basketball, Chase, Pop B, Mom-Mom. 

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, trains, throwing and kicking a ball, dance parties, legos, animals
Our Asher is such a little monkey, and he knows it. He also knows all he has to do is flash his cute smile and get away with whatever he just did. He is full of energy, loves to be loud and gives the best hugs and kisses. He is a true boy in that he loves to be outside, picking up sticks, kicking a ball around and getting dirty. This little squishy handful makes me want to have a bunch more babies (until I realize how exhausting that would be).

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