

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hayley Ann Mae: 28 Weeks Pregnancy

I thought the third trimester of this pregnancy would never get here! Don't get my wrong, I do love being pregnant and feeling your baby move around never looses it's magic, but running around after 2 boys while growing a baby is hard work and I'm kind of over it. Soooo roll on the day we get to meet our little girl and be a family of five!

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Girl!!! Hayley Ann Mae
Baby's heartbeat: staying strong in the 150's
Weight gain: around 10lbs
Maternity clothes: Maternity all the way
Stretch marks: No new ones
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I have some great nights and then some terrible nights
Best moment this week: getting my C-section scheduled, she will arrive no later than Jan 12th! Also getting her room painted.
Miss anything: Hayley is sitting pretty high and there have been days where I feel out of breathe without real reason
Movement: lots of movement, she seems to be a wiggler, not a kicker
Cravings: soup
Queasy or sick: nausea is getting a little better
Looking forward to: shopping for her :)

I know this final trimester is going to fly by with Thanksgiving and Christmas thrown in there so, with it being the last time I'm ever going to be growing a baby I'm going to try to sit back and enjoy these last 11 weeks :)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Birthday Trip: Air & Space

Each year, during the boys' birthday week, we take a little trip. Usually it's to the beach, but this year we got crazy and switched things up a little by heading to D.C. and visiting the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. It did not disappoint! Both boys are fascinated with airplanes and since visiting the museum are equally as interested in spaces ships and anything space related.

We headed down on a Friday evening to D.C. so we would have the whole day to explore the museum. We stayed a few blocks from the museum so we didn't have to drive once we were there. Both boys love staying hotels and the adventure that comes with it. Both boys slept in Saturday morning with having a late night before. We got to the museum around 11am and called it a day around 4pm. There was so much to see and do there, we got around about half of the museum and we watched a 3D movie on space, which I think was the highlight for both of the boys. The number of airplanes exceeded our expectations, getting to touch a piece of the moon and the kids hands on area made for a wonderful day and lifelong memory for all of us.

We contemplated taking a bus tour of D.C. on the Sunday but the boys, and I, were completely exhausted so we scratched that idea. Instead we drove by the White House and some of the monuments before heading to Georgetown for lunch by the river to round out our trip.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hayley Ann Mae: 24 Week Pregnancy

Now that I'm in the second trimester, and we are full swing into school and sports schedule, this pregnancy is flying by!

How far along: 24 weeks
Gender: Girl!!! Hayley Ann Mae
Baby's heartbeat: staying strong in the 150's
Weight gain: 8lbs. These two boys of mine keep me on my toes
Maternity clothes: Pretty much all maternity, so much more comfortable
Stretch marks: No new ones
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I have some great nights and then some terrible nights
Best moment this week: the boys feeling Hayley kick
Miss anything: a nice cold cider would be nice
Movement: compared to the boys she moves quite a bit less but still plenty of kicking going on in there
Cravings: apples and chili
Queasy or sick: as long as I keep taking the Zofran I'm ok
Looking forward to: painting her room!!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fall Means Apple Picking

One of our favorite fall activities is go to apple picking, and this year we got to do it with some of our closest friends! While Asher attended apple picking last year, he didn't get to actually pick the apples, this was his first year partaking and he loved it!! For the past 3 years we have gone to Weavers Orchards, they have so many types of apples to choose from, have wheelbarrows for the kids to push through the orchards and have the yummiest cider donuts to finish the day with.

Now to bake some yummy treats with all of these apples. I'm thinking zucchini apple bread, apple pops and apple pie are top on the list