

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Sunday, December 18, 2016

North Pole Breakfast

We kicked off the month of December and the Christmas season with a North Pole Breakfast bought by Santa's elves!!! Except we had breakfast at dinner as it was a week day and we didn't want James to miss out on the fun.

The elves also bought a Christmas box for the boys. They thought it was the greatest thing ever and were so intrigued as to how the elves got into the house...was it through the chimney like Santa?...did Cisco see them?...why didn't they (Chase and Asher) hear them? I love just how into it they are, and how they are such believers!!! The box contained their advent calendars (Which have been a huge help for Chase seeing he can count how many more days are left until the big guy comes), Christmas pjs, Christmas socks, Rudolph coloring books and a book about the Christmas Story.

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