

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hayley Ann Mae: One Week

And just like that Hayley is one week old. Between staying in the hospital for 4 days and getting settled at home I shouldn't be surprised that it went by so quickly.

This was by far my most relaxing hospital stay. We limited visitors, the boys didn't visit everyday and I napped every day (something I didn't do with either of the boys). The day after we had Hayley the boys and James went to build a bear and made her a teddy bear, and of course one for them also. They were so excited to bring it to the hospital and give it to their little sister! I'm pretty sure it ended up right on her face lol! Aunt Anita, Uncle Anthony and cousins Jenna and Justin came to visit us Saturday morning. Jenna picked out the cutest clothes for Hayley and I can't wait for her to wear them.

Given I had a C-section I could stay anywhere from 2 to 4 nights in the hospital. I stayed the 3 nights. Had the boys been doing a little better with me not being home I would have stayed the 4th but mama's duties called! That said, James, Bill & Patti and Jen & Dad did a great job taking care of the boys while I was recovering and absolutely helped make the days more fun for the boys.

Again, once home we limited visitors the first week, with just Pop Pop and Mom Mom coming to visit. When I had Asher I felt like we hit the road running the second I got out of the OR and I dealt with some anxiety for a few months after his birth. I really wanted to try and avoid the same thing happening this time around, hence the limiting of visitors, not worrying about keeping up with our social activities and trying to get all the sleep I can while James is off of work. I have to say for saying I had surgery and have a newborn I am feeling good. I don't feel close to the way I did after Asher. In that sense I feel a bit robbed with Asher as a newborn; but what can ya do? We got through it and learnt from it.

Besides a touch of jaundice and switching formula, Hayley is a very content little baby, just along for the ride. She certainly loves her sleep, giving us 3 to 4 hour stretches. I'm praying this doesn't change. She makes the cutest little cooing noise when nuzzled against my chest where she can hear my heartbeat. At bedtime she likes to be swaddled with her left hand in and right hand out, her right hand is always against her face as she sleeps. It's adorable that she has these little particulars already so young. The boys have welcomed her into the family with open arms. They always like to know where she is and love to hold her. Asher is king of making sure she has her paci and Chase is master of keeping her music on the swing going. She is so lucky to have such two caring big brothers. At a week old she weighed in at 7lbs 1oz. She had gone down to 6lbs 14oz. It's crazy having such a small baby after having our 9lb Asher. Even the few newborn outfits we have are big on her.

James and I are absolutely in love with her. I don't think either one of us realized how much we would enjoy a girl until she arrived. We really are so blessed and fortunate to have the children we have.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hayley Ann Mae: Birth Day

Hayley is here! After what felt like an eternity it was finally time for Hayley to make her grand appearance into the world.

Even though I barely slept the night before, I woke up feeling really good about the C-section. The nerves I had been experiencing all week long were gone and instead I was just full of excitement and anticipation to meet our little girl. We had to be at the hospital for 8am and so we left the boys with Mom Mom and Pop Berry, sleeping away. It was crazy to think we were leaving them as a family of four and the next time I would see them there would be five of us!

We chose to deliver at Paoli hospital again, which is where we had Asher. It's a hike from our house (sorry James) but our experience with them was just so great that we didn't want to go anywhere else. Once we arrived I was hooked up to an IV (after painfully being poked 4 times) and then we waited for the OR to open up. Apparently it was a busy day on the 12th, 11 babies were born total! The worst part of the whole csection for me is waiting for the spinal. According to the anesthesiologist though I'm a tough cookie and handled it all great, personally I don't see you really have any choice. Once James was bought into the OR it was all a blur; I remember a ton of pressure, the curtain being dropped and then there was she was! Our beautiful daughter! This time around we opted for a 'gentle birth' and a clear curtain is used so you can see the baby being pulled it. It was amazing! With the boys we didn't have that option. I highly recommend the option to anyone having a csection. We didn't see any blood or insides of myself. Getting to see her fresh from the womb was something I'll never forget and the sight of her had me in tears immediately.


Once she was out the nurse cleaned her off a little bit, bought her right over to me and placed her on my chest for skin to skin, right in the OR. Again this was never an option with either of the boys and there was something so special about those 10 minutes that we shared. As soon as she was placed on me, she started sucking her thumb and calmed down. I talked to her and she opened her little eyes and looked right at me. Unfortunately that moment was bought to an abrupt halt as I got super nauseous and her hand started to turn blue so off to the warmer she went and I repeatedly threw up....the not so pretty side of child birth!

I found this C-section far more painful than the previous two. It felt like a lifetime that I was on the table being sewn back together and I felt like I had been hit by a semi-truck. I was never so happy to get back to my room and to have Hayley placed back on my chest and just cuddle. James had gotten his cuddles in while I was finishing up in the OR. The nurse had gotten all of her stats; 7lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. 10 fingers and 10 toes were accounted for and she was deemed perfect in every single way. We were surprised to see she had a decent amount of hair, something neither boy were born with. Even though she was only 1oz lighter than Chase at birth, she seemed so much more delicate, her facial features especially. She also has really long fingers and toes (those come from Daddy). For now I think everyone says she looks like me, but as we all know babies change so much. Hayley also received her first bath, she wasn't too fond of it but did love getting her hair washed and head massaged, clearly there are spa days ahead for her and I!

The boys of course, were the first to meet Hayley. Both of them had been so excited for her arrival and their faces were priceless when they got to see her. Mom Mom and Pop Berry had bought the boys to the hospital but we spent a little while being just the 5 of us, something I really appreciated.
As well as meeting Mom Mom and Pop Berry, Hayley also met Grandma and Grandad Smith and Aunt Naomi.

Hayley handled her first day like a champ. She slept the day away in arms of those that already love her so much and filled up on milk. She is such a sweet little being, has the most amazing newborn smell and loves to have her head rubbed.

We are so thankful for this gift from God, that he gave us a daughter, and that she is healthy. We can't wait to get to know this girl of ours!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Final Day: Final Pregnancy

I am in total denial that tomorrow is the big day; birth day. We get to meet our Hayley tomorrow. It seems unreal even saying that. Just as I knew it would the last month of this pregnancy flew by with the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Being completely honest I'm so nervous for tomorrow. Yes, this is the third csection Imy having so I know what to expect but given the fact I know date and time etc it gives time to over think. Things I would never normally worry about, running through my mind, all day long. Once the procedure is under way I know I'll feel much calmer and be so excited to see our daughter face.

Our daughter! It still blows me away that we have been given a little girl, our last child, our prayers answered. It does cross my mind though, how diffevent will it be raising a girl vs. the two boys I've had so much practice with.

I thought I would be more emotional over the fact that this is the last pregnancy for us. Last time I'll dress this bump. Last time I get to feel life on the inside. I am glad I feel ready to be done with this chapter though. I am beyond thankful that I've had the opportunity to do this 3 times. That we have created these 3 beautiful little beings...3 little lives that are more precious to us than anything else. That we get the privilege of raising 3 loving, kind, respectful, thankful


Tonight I'm going to feel for every kick and move that our little lady makes and smile and remember it for all the miracle it is.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Christmas Day 2016

What a fun filled Christmas Day we had this year! It was everything I hope it would be and more.

Christmas Eve we attended service at church. It's one of my favorite services of the year; I love Christmas carols, add in the candle light and the fact that the boys join us for this service, it really does make for a special time. It seems to have become some what of a tradition to eat at DaVinci's after service, this year we were joined by Dad, Jen and Naomi.

Once home, the boys eagerly changing into their Christmas pjs, set out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for Rudolph. There were many questions of; "will we hear Rudolph on the roof? What time will Santa be here? "How will he get in the house?" I just love the excitement of Christmas Eve and is something I am thoroughly enjoying playing a part in. Of course both boys know why we really celebrate Christmas and if asked will say "it's Jesus' birthday."

Christmas morning was wonderful, both boys were shocked at the sight of the presents under the tree, amazed that their cookies were gone and were beyond thrilled with the gifts they received. Chase's face when he opened his Thomas socks and Lightening McQueen Wii game were priceless. Asher was beyond excited with his color changing Mater and Hot Wheel cars. Chase melted my heart by saying "this is my favorite gift ever Mummy," in response to their Hot Wheels car garage after it had been built.

Being 36 weeks pregnant, I truly got to relax this Christmas as were weren't hosting and Jen was cooking Christmas dinner for all of us. We spent the majority of the day in pjs, played with the boys toys, skyped with family in England and even snuck in a little nap.

We headed over to Dad and Jen's early evening for a delicious Christmas dinner. Of course it came along with all of the yummy English side dishes like Yorkshire pudding and bread sauce. We pulled Christmas crackers, told corny jokes and had the best time together. The boys broke out the Wii and we ended up not leaving their house until 10pm.

I say it every year, but this was my all time favorite Christmas. We totally spoilt the boys, but you know what I'm ok with that. They are thankful for the gifts they received and really do realize how lucky they are to have all that they have. Christmas was fun as a child but it's even better watching your own children!