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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Final Day: Final Pregnancy

I am in total denial that tomorrow is the big day; birth day. We get to meet our Hayley tomorrow. It seems unreal even saying that. Just as I knew it would the last month of this pregnancy flew by with the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Being completely honest I'm so nervous for tomorrow. Yes, this is the third csection Imy having so I know what to expect but given the fact I know date and time etc it gives time to over think. Things I would never normally worry about, running through my mind, all day long. Once the procedure is under way I know I'll feel much calmer and be so excited to see our daughter face.

Our daughter! It still blows me away that we have been given a little girl, our last child, our prayers answered. It does cross my mind though, how diffevent will it be raising a girl vs. the two boys I've had so much practice with.

I thought I would be more emotional over the fact that this is the last pregnancy for us. Last time I'll dress this bump. Last time I get to feel life on the inside. I am glad I feel ready to be done with this chapter though. I am beyond thankful that I've had the opportunity to do this 3 times. That we have created these 3 beautiful little beings...3 little lives that are more precious to us than anything else. That we get the privilege of raising 3 loving, kind, respectful, thankful


Tonight I'm going to feel for every kick and move that our little lady makes and smile and remember it for all the miracle it is.

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