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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Easter 2017

First holiday as a family of five in the bag! And it was a good one! Easter is very relaxing for us, sure we do a few egg hunts, the kids get a small Easter basket and some goodies from the grandparents, but we really focus on what Easter is all about. Oh I also don't cook on Easter which is always a plus for me.

We enjoyed a wonderful service at church followed by brunch buffet at DaVinci's with family. We ended the day by hanging out in the backyard while the boys played and burned off the Easter candy they had consumed earlier in the day.

Lets talk about those Easter baskets, three little baskets. Not two like previous years, but three! It's not what is in them for me, but the fact that I have three Easter baskets to fill. How blessed am I? God is so good, giving us these 3 children to love on and raise. More often than not, I sit back and look at them in amazement. Life really is so so good!



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