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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mothers Day 2017

Plain & simple I was spoiled rotten this mothers day, not just mothers day, but the entire mothers day weekend!

I slept in on Saturday, not making it downstairs until 10:45am. It was glorious! I don't think I've slept that late since before I was pregnant with Chase and I used to stay up into the week hours. The good ole days! Sunday we went to church, where the boys made the cutest cards with their little fingerprints splattered all over them! I'm such a sucker for the homemade gifts. The rest of day was spent at Winterthur with Dad, Jen and Naomi. We explored the gardens, ate a picnic and James even bought us a membership as we loved it so much. I was given flowers, treated to dinner at the Yardhouse and heard the boys answers to questions about Mummy; apparently I love the prettiest with curly hair and wearing it down, if Chase could go anywhere with me it would be Chili's (lol), my favorite color is pink, my favorite food is popcorn and if I could do anything with my day it would be to play with them. I think every mother's day I'm going to ask them the same questions.

At one point in the day, Chase came and hugged me ever so tight and said, "is this what I'm supposed to do on mothers day?" He is such a mamas boy and I wont lie, I absolutely love it. Being a Mum can be exhausting, it can sometimes make me think I should go back to work, it can leave you feeling like you accomplished nothing that particular day, but it is hands down the most rewarding thing I have ever done, and ever will do. Carrying these 3 babies for 9 months and raising them into kind, loving and decent human beings is nothing I take for granted. Yes, mothers day is all about celebrating what we do as mothers, the long hours we put in, being thanked for putting them before ourselves but I couldn't imagine it being any other way. Being their Mum is a gift in its self. Though I wont ever say no to having an excuse to sleep in. ;)

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