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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Halfway Point

I can't believe that I'm at 20 weeks in this pregnancy already!!!!!!! Tine is just flying by. Though the first 3 months were a complete blur and all I remember are toilet bowls lol. I am very happy to say I'm on day 2 of not having to take my anti nausea medcine :)
I have certainly had a growth spurt over the past 3 weeks. Clothes that did fit, no longer do and I can feel like I've put on weight. So far I've gained 12 pounds so I'm not that worried and everything I've been eating has been extremely healthy. I'm hoping that my craving for fruit continues throughout the pregnancy.
Finding out the gender this week has brought the pregnancy to a whole other level. Knowing I have a son in there versus calling it 'baby' makes that bond even stronger and I cannot wait to meet him!
Here is a pic of me at 20 weeks....

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