

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

24 weeks

Here I am with another update on our little boy. It's hard to believe I am 24 weeks already, time is certainly flying by! This puts me in the 6th month of the pregnancy and at the tail end of the second trimester.

Our check up this evening went smoothly. My blood pressure and weight are normal (I've gained a total of 14lbs so far) and today was the first time they measured my stomach which is measuring at exactly 24 weeks. Chase was very active and was hard to get a reading on his heart at at first but the doctor got a reading of 138bpm. Over the next 2 weeks I have to go for a glucose test.

I've been feeling really great the past few weeks and have really started getting things ready for Chase's arrival. My brother David came down a couple of weeks ago and painted the nursery for us. We are going with a jungle animal theme so we painted the walls a kakhi color. We also now have a dresser, thanks to Mom and Bill. My Mum has been busy on the other side of the world preparing for her grandson by knitting; she has made him a crib blanket and is now onto hats and mittens :) He is going to be one spoiled boy thats for sure.

With every week that passes I'm so thankful that he is still in there cooking away, and is healthy. Thank you to everyone who prays for us.

Here I am at 24 weeks

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