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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baby Asher: 36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks
Gender: another little mama's boy :)
Baby's heartbeat: 140's
Weight gain: 20lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes! So ready for a new wardrobe of non maternity clothes
Stretch marks: Yes, my stomach will never be seeing daylight again
Belly button in or out: It depends on the day and how Asher is lying
Sleep: It's hit or miss. I'll have a good nights sleep followed by being up the whole night the next day
Best moment this week: We had Chase's 2nd birthday party this week! For a while there I didn't think I was going to make it to the party with the amount of contractions I was having but Asher was a good little brother and decided to stay put so Chase could have his day
Miss anything: Being able to reach things on the ground, a glass or wine would be nice, having energy would be amazing...the list goes on
Movement: Lots of movement going on in there accompanied with lots of contractions.
Cravings: unfortunately chocolate but I'm being good...most days;)
Queasy or sick: No nausea woohoo!! But I am hobbling around like a 90 year old. Isn't being pregnant so glamorous?
Looking forward to: Meeting this little boy in 2 weeks or less. Hoping for less :)

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