

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Trains, Planes and Automobiles

Party day hit the Prendergast house and what a fun day it was! I think I'm not alone when I say I'm a little shocked we even made it to party day with all the contractions I have had with Asher the past few weeks, but he cooperated for his big brother and stayed put, allowing the festivities to happen.

I love to throw a good party, even more so when it's in honor of our lil man Chase. I decided to go with Trains, Planes and Automobiles as Chase is into anything that goes 'vroom' or flies in the sky these days. I found a cute party pack on etsy for decorations and pinterest was my friend in the food department. If I wasn't 36 weeks pregnant there were a few more decoration ideas I would have like to see come to life, but overall I'm pleased with how it all came together.

We originally planned to have the party outside on our deck but with the humidity and pouring rain we moved it indoors which we were a little bummed about but I can safely say a great time was had by all. It is always so nice getting out friends and family together as we are all so busy it's hard to see each other frequently. Chase was just as excited to have all of his little friends over to celebrate also. I am amazed at how well 10 kids played together in one playroom. After consuming plenty of sugar and lots of playing I'm sure all of them crashed when they got home.

Everyone knows Chase is obsessed with balloons. All week I have been telling him when Daddy is home from work we will go get balloons. Of course every day he asked and I had to tell him 3 more days, 2 more days etc. Saturday morning I told Chase 'today we can go get his balloons'. I've never seen him get excited over something before. I asked him, 'are you excited' and his response 'oh yes!' He practically pulled us into the party store as he was saying 'come on!'

Chase is one lucky boy to have so many people that love and spoil him the way they do. He received so many great gifts and has spent all of this morning playing with each and every one of them. James is excited that he received so many 'boy' toys so that he can relive being a little boy too. Thank you to each and every one of you who took time out of your day to come and celebrate with us!

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