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Monday, May 18, 2015

Mothers Day 3rd Edition

While this year was my third Mothers Day, it was my first with Asher and two children. Two more children is twice the fun, twice the love and twice the reward. I've said it before and I know I'll say it again; there is nothing I love more than being a Mum. Sure, there are the hard days, especially with a newborn and a 2 year old who likes to throw around his new found attitude from time to time, but nothing worth having comes easy right? And the good days far out weigh the bad.

It seems heading to the beach is our Mothers Day tradition. There is nothing I love more than having my toes in the sand and being surrounded by my favorite people. This year we headed to Lewes, DE. It's a smaller beach, very family friendly and has zero waves which is perfect for Chase and his love of paddling in the water. We couldn't have asked for a better beach day, 80 degrees and very few clouds in the sky. We have been to a lake by our house a few times where there is a bit of sand, which Asher has played with, but this was his first time on an actual beach and dipping his little toes into the ocean. Just like big brother, Asher was a fan of the sand (he would have eaten the beach if we had let him) and the water. It was so relaxing to sit there and watch Chase run back and forth filling his bucket with water and pour it into other buckets and sand toys for Asher to splash in. Two brothers playing together ever so nicely..a moment I won't forget.

After the beach we drove around Lewes picking out beach houses while the boys took a little snooze. Once everyone was feeling refreshed we headed to Go Brit, the English fish and chip shop. This town was made for me, beach and English food all in one spot! The battered sausage and chips never disappoints. We ended the day walking around the marina watching the boats come in and out and let Chase run out the last of his energy before the drive home.

I am so fortunate to have these 2 little boys in my life. They are a gift I have been given and never take them for granted. There is so much to worry about when raising children; are they eating enough, did they get the right number of naps, should they know the alphabet by now, is it ok that they watched tv for more than an hour today and its very easy to forget what matters most when raising and teaching these little souls and that is to make sure they truly know how so very loved and special they are. 

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