

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, July 17, 2017

Granny is Here: Week 4

We are sad for this week to arrive as it was Grandma's last week with us. I remember when Grandma booked her tickets to come over and she suggested a month, I thought yeah that's a great amount of time, it won't go by too quickly etc. How wrong I was! We were adamant to not left her impending departure ruin our last week together, so we finished strong, making many more great memories.

One day we met up with Lauren and her girls for a trip to Oregon Dairy Farm out in Lancaster. They were having a family fun day complete with planting seeds, petting animals (including the cutest chicks), tractor rides and farm tours. Oh and free chocolate milk and ice cream for all!!!

Unfortunately Saturday was pretty crummy weather so a trip to the Aquarium sounded perfect. The boys had been asking to go so they were pretty excited we were finally getting there. We spent most of the day there; petting the sting rays, watched the penguins being fed and got to see the hippos close up. Everyone enjoyed walking through the shark tunnel, even Hayley got to partake, waking up from her nap just in time. We ended our time there with a walk across the shark bridge. All of the boys loved it so much that they had to go back and do it a second time.

Grandma's last full day with us was also Father's Day. If you come visit us during the summer months a trip to the beach is always a must, so we loaded up the van and headed down to Lewes for the day. It was our first time to the beach with 3 kids and boy that one extra little being needs sooo much stuff and I'm not going to lie the first hour was a tad chaotic. However the boys settled in and Hayley found a comfy spot and we all had!!! Chase and Asher spent 90% of their time in the water swimming around like fish. Hayley dipped her toes in and couldn't decide if she liked the waves or not. Grandma was happy to spend her last day in full sunshine and working on her tan. Before heading home we wanted to get some dinner. We have a couple of restaurants that we usually rotate between but decided to try some where new this time and it didn't disappoint. The Crooked Hammock was ah-mazing. The food was good but it was the atmosphere that sold it for us. Lots of backyard games, playground and live music kept us all entertained. We ate slowly, drank plenty (not me I was driving lol) and soaked up every last minute with each other that we could.

We were all so sad to see Grandma/Granny leave. We had all gotten into our new routine and none of us wanted it to end. The boys loved loved loved having her here and I'm so glad they got to spend so much time with her and really get to know her. And for her to get to know them of course. I can't explain how much I enjoyed getting to spend so much time with someone, who I got to see multiple times a week as a child. I got to hear stories about her and Grandad that I had never heard before.
We can't wait for her next visit, and next time maybe she will stay even longer!!

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