

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, July 17, 2017

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was full of fun, family time and summer sun. Saturday we decided to get out of the house and normal routine and do something fun, so we headed to Dutch Wonderland. James had been when he was a child but neither myself or the boys had been, but we've heard great things. Just in case the boys decided they didn't like the rides we purchase the twilight tickets which gave us access to the park for the last 3 hours of the day, and with Hayley in tow that was the perfect amount of time for her to be toted around in the stroller. Mom Mom and Pop Berry came along for the fun also! We had! As soon as the boys had finished their first ride they were on a roll. They loved the spinning hot air balloon ride and the motorized car ride. We even got them on the log flume, Chase wasn't so sure about it, but Asher was all about getting wet! Needless to say we all want to head back there soon to try the rides we missed and hit the water park!

The fun continued on Sunday with a day spent at the pool with Dad, Jen, Naomi and David. The weather was perfect, the boys jumped into the pool for an hour straight while shouting "INCOMING!!" and Hayley cried every time we took her out of the pool. We rounded out the weekend with dinner at Red Robin, ice cream sundaes included. 

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