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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Friday, September 7, 2018

New Beginnings at New Schools

Unfortunately the summer has come to an end once again, which means, back to school! This year both of the boys are going to new schools. Chase is entering Kindergarten, and Asher a new preschool for PreK.

Chase started a week before Asher. While he was nervous and it was a rocky drop off he enjoyed his first day, likes his teacher (Ms Novia) and even was brave and rode the bus home. We celebrated his first day by having an ice cream bar at home and time in the pool. The next few days have been full of crying at drop off and nervousness about riding the school bus (he is scared I wont be at the bus stop, he doesn't know exactly what he is supposed to be doing at the end of the day etc). I totally understand him feeling this way. He has never ridden in a car with anyone besides James or I driving and now he is on a bus with kids he doesn't know and without parents. He also does not know all of the roads in our new town so he doesn't have familiar landmarks yet as he gets closer to home. However at the end of the second week we had a break through!!! No crying at drop off, confident riding the bus home and huge smiles greeting me at the end of his day. I know he is going to absolutely love Kindergarten now that he has gotten over his nervousness.

And lets just take a moment to recognize this now means he is so far from being my baby boy :(

Asher has only had one day of PreK so far. It went a little something like this. Pull into parking lot; tears are flowing and refusing to get out of his seat. Five minutes later I get him to the school door and the teacher has to pull him off of me. It was an intro day so he was there for all of 90 mins. I go to pick him up and he comes running out smiling and telling me how he has made me a picture. I asked if he had fun and he said, "yes though I didn't do anything." I responded with "what do you mean you didn't do anything? Didn't you go out on the playground?" Asher, "Yes we did, but I didn't want to play. I didn't want to do anything as I'm not used to this school yet." I can always count on Asher telling it how it is, he doesn't mince words that's for sure.

It was certainly hard for him going to a new school and staying somewhere without Chase or myself for the first time. He always has one of us with him and so this was a huge day. I have no doubt though that he is going to do amazing things this year, and come home with many other funny things to say.

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