

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mothers Day

Absolutely the oddest Mothers day yet. Normally we head to the beach ofr the day or a lake; always a day out. This year we were still on full lockdown so that limited us greatly as to what we could do. 

We decided to head to Evans Elementary school to ride bikes and take a walk. Daddy had ordered steaks and cooked us an amazing meal on the grill. It was laid back, quiet, but perfect. 

It was a tough Mothers Day as it was the first Mothers Day without Grandma Oo-Oo. She was so much like a mother to me and so it was very hard for me to not be able to call her to say Happy Mother's Day, plus my heart was heavy for Grandad and how he must have been feeling not having his Mum.

I love you three beyond words and getting to be your Mum is THE greatest thing I will ever do on this Earth. I know some days we are cranky, or yell, or just have a rough day together but I want you all to know that everything I do and am is for the 3 of you. 

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