

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Christmas 2017

It certainly was a Christmas we wont forget in a hurry that's for sure! Between not attending Christmas Eve service, being up all hours Christmas Eve with Asher and his severe croup and my Dad falling down the stairs, injuring himself and them not making it over for Christmas dinner; Christmas day did not go as planned.

However Christmas morning was just magical! Playing Santa is just the best and seeing the kids faces in the morning, is worth it all. The boys didn't know where to look first, at the mounds of gifts by the tree or at the plate of cookies and carrots they had left for Santa and Rudolph. It took us quite some time to open gifts, and honestly that's the way I like it. We take turns opening so that we can all see what that person received. There were plenty of 'oooo's and 'aaaahhhs' from the kids and squeals from Hayley. Let's not forget to mention it was our first Christmas as a family of five. Not only that, but there were girl toys under the tree! Baby dolls, and princess palaces, etc. I'm not going to lie I can't wait to play together with Hayley.

Mom and Bill joined us for brunch which was relaxing and just what Christmas morning called for. Of course Mimosas were involved. It is so nice having them closer this year and seeing them on Christmas Day.

The rest of Christmas consisted of long naps for all, a yummy baked ham for dinner and lots of toy building and Christmas movie watching. As I said it's not how we saw our Christmas day going, but we made the best of the situation and had a wonderful day with our children.

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