

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


A whole year has officially passed by since our little girl was born. How can that be? They say time moves the fastest while watching a baby grow and they sure aren't wrong, especially when you have two more you are keeping track of! I will completely own the fact that I was dreading the day our last baby turned one. Sure, the sleepless nights aren't fun and teething can be a nightmare, and who really looks forward to numerous bottles to wash every single day? But the smell of a baby, their little coo's , those major milestones you witness through the first year, to never have that again, to me it is bittersweet, very much so. When we bought Hayley home from the hospital I vowed to myself to take this year slow, to just enjoy the time and not worry about social calendars and being involved in a million things. I am proud to say I did just that. I really enjoyed the moments, the big and the small and it has been the most wonderful year. Not just with Hayley, but all five of us. We all fell into our new roles seamlessly and with the most love we had to offer.

As you all know I love any reason to celebrate; holidays, job promotions, because it's a day ending in y lol, but there is no bigger celebration than birthdays! Her birthday fell on a Friday so the day was low key but when Daddy was done with work, we met him, Grandma & Grandad Smith & MomMom at our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. We ended the day with presents and cake for all. Including Hayley, it was her first taste of cake, though she really was a fan and preferred to just destroy the cake instead. All in all the day was perfect for our Lady Hayley.

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