

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

December Festivities

What a whirlwind December was, but soooo much fun! And some great memories were made...

On December 1st an elf visits our house and leaves some goodies for the kids to kick off the Christmas celebrations. Besides the annual Christmas pjs, new books and advent calendars, the elf also left numerous things for the kids to do leading up to Christmas Day. The boys absolutely loved waking up in the morning to find out what they were to do that day. We did a candy cane hunt around the house, made cookies and delivered them to our town policemen, made Christmas cards, a snow globe craft, and decorate a gingerbread house. We did skip out on our Christmas train ride as Hayley would never sit for that long but we did throw our yearly Christmas party and we went to our Santa brunch with friends. We all look forward to those two events.

For the past few years we have attended our church's events Lights in the Village; They Santa, Christmas carolers, the town of Bethlehem that you walk through, superhero's (which Asher was soo excited to meet), and of course lots of Christmas lights!! It's a fun night out and the boys were pleased that their good buddy Cole came with them this year.

We love to watch Christmas movies. As soon as Thanksgiving dinner is cleaned up we turn on the tv and watch our first one of the season. The boys have gotten on board with our tradition, and as a treat we took them to the movies to see The Star. Awesome movie, it was the Christmas Story told by the animals. It was hilarious, Biblically true and most importantly the boys really got a great understanding of the story.

Our last activity was to drive around and Christmas lights. The kids wear Christmas pjs, we load up the car with munchkins and hot chocolate and Christmas music and have THE best time. Except, this year the evening went downhill quickly. We were all in the car, when Asher couldn't stop coughing, at all. So much so I had to call the dr, and was told we needed to take him to the ER asap. Turns out he had low oxygen and a severe case of croup. The poor kid was miserable and we felt terrible he was in such a bad state. We were sad to miss one of our favorite Christmas activities but were so thankful Asher was ok.

With all of those activities and then some, we were all fully feeling the Christmas spirit by the time Christmas Eve was upon us.

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