

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Winter Onederland

Every birthday needs a party, especially when you are my child, there is no way a party isn't happening. After throwing 5 parties for the boys, I couldn't wait to plan something girly for my favorite girl. I decided to go with Winter Onederland for obvious reasons but added a little glitter and rose gold because, well I could lol.

We invited all of our nearest and dearest, that live stateside to celebrate with us and that made the party! We had a ton of food, a chili bar, cold cut sandwhiches and chips and dip. And of course cake. With a smash cake just for Hayley. The older kids played a few games; pass the parcel and pin the nose on the snowman, and ended with a dance party. My favorite part was all of us singing Happy Birthday to the main star. I hope all of the people that were at her first birthday stay in her life so she can feel as blessed as we do now to have these people in our lives.

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