

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, December 20, 2012

An Update on The Lil Man

It's been a while since I've given you all an update on our lil man, so lets see.... he  is growing at a crazy rate, and is starting to wear his 3 -6 months clothing now, which I'm not going to lie makes me a little sad. But with that comes more interaction with us every day. Waking up and seeing him beam a huge smile at me is priceless, and makes my heart melt every single time. That will never get old. He certainly recognizes James and I's voices and his head turns in our direction as soon as he hears us. He has put himself on a great sleeping schedule, down at 7pm, feeds at 11pm and sleeps until 6am, eats and back to bed until 8-9am. We are very lucky!

At his 2 month checkup I bought up a concern to his doctor. I had noticed that during tummy time Chase would always turn his head in the same direction, the same goes for when he was being held and sleeping. The doctor told me he had torticollis. It is where one side of the neck is tight and stops the baby from turning the head all the way in one direction. It is very common in breech babies, which he was. Thankfully we caught it very early on, so all that is needed is some physical therapy sessions and it will correct itself. We will be starting that after Christmas.

On December 16th we had Chase dedicated at our church, Calvary Chapel of Delaware County. It is important to us that Chase is raised knowing God and being involved in our church. Our family (minus those in England unfortunately) all came and we went out to lunch afterwards.

Here is a pic of the lil guy

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Meeting Grandma & Grandad

On Nov 2nd Chase got to meet his Grandma and Grandad Redfern for the first time and spend an entire week with them. With Hurricane Sandy hitting a few days prior we were a little nervous about them being able to arrive on time, but thankfully they made it here with no issues.
We had a wonderful week together and despite it being unseasonably cold, got out to do some fun things. Of course, Mum and Paul would have been perfectly happy sitting at home holding and loving on Chase their entire trip :) Even with doing some sightseeing there was plenty of cuddle time, and Chase loved every minute of it. He started smiling the week before they arrived and while they were here, they both got smiles from him.
Unfortunately they did have to go home, and we miss them a lot. Even Cisco,  as he got a lot of attention too! We can't wait until they come back next year for Chase's first birthday.
Here are some pics from throughout the week.

 Hanging with Grandma
 At the aquarium

 Enjoying a shake at Nifty Fifty's
 Cuddle time with Grandma &Grandad

 Family dinner at Duffers
 Mum made me her delicious cheese scones
 Dinner at Texas Roadhouse
 Visit to Longwood Gardens
Bath time with Grandma

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Photo Reel

When Chase was 3 weeks old, we had our wedding photographer, Lorraine Daley take some photos of the 3 of us, so we can remember how small he is, as I've been told they grow up so fast. Here are a few of our favorites.

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Year in Photos 2011

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Create a gorgeous, high quality wedding photo album at

Year in Photos 2010

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Shutterfly offers exclusive photobook layouts so you can make your book just the way you want.

year in photos 2009

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Shutterfly photo books offer a variety of layouts and cover options to choose from.

First Family Outing

Since we have been married and wanted kids, and during our pregnancy, our conversation would often turn to how we cant wait to take our kids here, take them there, do this and do that etc, and build memories as a family.One of the places we would often bring up was Linvilla Orchards.
Sunday was a beautiful fall day, 70 and breezy, and I have been itching to get out, so we decided to take Chase to Linvilla Orchards. During this time of year they have hayrides, a corn maze, and a pumpkin patch and lots of fall goodies. They also have an area with animals and a train ride. Needless to say we were excited to take our first 'family outing'. We know Chase will never remember a second of it, and of course he slept the entire time we were there, but it was so much fun going out the 3 of us and starting those family memories.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

2 Weeks Old

So yesterday Chase was 2 weeks old, one one hand I feel like we just got home from the hospital, how can he be 2 weeks already? On the other hand I feel like he has been with us forever. He is such a blessing to our life already.
James went back to work on Monday and races home each day to get a hold of his son. His keys barely hit the table and Chase is in his arms. It's adorable to see. We miss James being home with us during the day so we are equally as excited to see his car pull up.
Chase had his 2 week check up yesterday and he is one healthy baby, which is always great to hear. He now weighs 7lbs 12oz! He also lost the stump to his umbilical cord yesterday. He has started staying awake for a couple of hour in the morning and again in the evening. We really don't have any kind of schedule as of yet so that is my goal for the 2 of us over the next 2 weeks. Besides yesterday's gas pains he is a very happy and content baby, especially when he is getting snuggles form any of us in the house.

Here are a few pics of the lil man

 Such concentration

2 weeks old

Thursday, September 27, 2012

One Week Down

It's hard to believe Chase has been with us for a week already, between being in the hospital for 4 days, celebrating James birthday and doctors appointments the week has flown by! He has changed so much already since the day it was born. I told him during one of his 3am feedings that he better not grow up to fast. His face changes daily and he is keeping his eyes open more and more with each day that passes. Nothing beats when he is looking up at you. Today was Chase's first doctors appointment and the doctor was very pleased with how he is doing. When we left the hospital his weight was 7lbs 2oz and he is now up to 7lbs 4oz.
Overall things have been going very well. He is a very calm baby, except for when he wants to be fed. Boy does he let us know he is hungry! He has his fathers appetite that's for sure :) He is tending to eat every 3 hours during the day and every 2 during the night. I have been getting up with him during the night and James has been getting up with him the early morning so I can get a few hours sleep back to back. Our one goal before James goes back to work is to get him to sleep in his bassinet. He just isn't liking sleeping there. I did manage to get him to nap in there for 2 hours this afternoon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed he will do better tonight.
James has taken to being a Dad so well. He was the first to change Chase's diaper and is very hands on with the feeding and makes sure they have Daddy/Son time everyday. James was also the first to get pee'd on :) He is a natural, just like I thought he would be.
I am feeling good considering I'm recovering from surgery, as well as being a FTM, and all that comes with that role. I am down to taking pain meds only twice a day and I am getting around a hundred times better than even a day ago. I can't wait until I'm feeling well enough to stat walking a few miles a day.
Being a Mum is everything I thought it would be and more. I'm trying to embrace and remember every little moment as  I know it's all going to go by with a blur.
I promise I'll post some pics of the lil man tomorrow!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chase's Birth Day

I know some of you have been asking how Chase arrived unexpectedly since we had a c-section scheduled for 9/27 and I've been wanting to get on here to share our story but with being in the hospital for 4 days, getting settled at home and having to take Cisco to the vet, things have been a little hectic. I've managed to have a few minutes to myself though while James is feeding Chase.

On the evening of 9/18 we had our 38 week checkup. Everything went well there, his heartbeat was 141 bpm and we did another ultrasound to make sure he was still breech, which he was. On our way home James and I stopped at Saladworks for dinner and once we got home I gave Cisco a bath and did some cleaning. Once I sat down I realized I was having contraction every 3 to 4 mins. I told James and told him I was going to wait an hour or so before calling the doctor. Around 10:30pm I called them and they said to come in.

Once at L&D they hooked me up to the monitors and I was having contractions every 2 to 3 mins but I was only 1cm dilated. To see if I was in true labor or not they started me on fluids, which the contractions did slow down to every 4 to 10 mins. The doctor wanted to monitor me though until 6:30am but basically said I  would be going home. About 15 mins after the doctor left (around 3:15am) the contractions started coming fast and hard, to the point where I was wriggling around in pain. After waiting them out for 45 mins to see if they continued I buzzed for the nurse. After that it was all systems go for a c-section. Up until this point I hadn't been nervous all night but as I was sitting on the stretcher waiting to be wheeled into the OR I got so nervous and started shaking. Not having any sleep didn't help matters.

The c-section wasn't too bad at all, mostly because all of the doctors were so nice and explained every single thing they were doing. I remember lying on the table, James holding my hand and was waiting for them to say ok we are beginning, Instead the next thing I heard was, 'here is your baby boy', and hearing him cry. It all happened so quickly. Hearing Chase cry for the first time was something I can't even describe. I just remember bursting into tears, and looking over to James who was also crying. James did go to the nursery with Chase to see him get weighed and all. Typical me kept telling him, 'make sure you take photos of everything'. Start to finish the whole procedure was an hour. Chase Patrick was born at 5:17am on 9/19/2012, weighing 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches long.

Once I was settled in my room they bought Chase to us. It's just so crazy that one second they are inside you and the next they are out in the world. We are so thankful that Chase has no issues, he is just perfect in every way. He has started to keep his eyes open now and I just love talking to him and seeing the different expressions on his face and staring back at me so intently. I think it's safe to say James and I are both sleep deprived but we are enjoying every little second with our son.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Unexpected News ... 37 Week Checkup

Well this check up has most certainly been the interesting appointment so far that's for sure! I had my blood pressure taken as per usual and for the first time it was high...130/80, but nothing they are worried about. Dr did my internal and said I hadn't dilated at all and basically no changes from last week and Chase was still head down. Next he listened to the heartbeat, which was a nice strong 141bpm and was kicking the doppler which Dr found hilarious. I mentioned something about his butt being under my ribs so Dr pushed around on my stomach and said 'he will be right back'. He came back with the ultrasound machine and what do you know his 'butt' is his head!!!!!
All of us were completely shocked, and I've been feeling this bump for weeks so I think he was think he was this way all along. We went over the options, which other than c-section  and him turning by himself, the only other option was for them to try turning him externally. After hearing the risks of that option James and I immediately decided that wasn't the route for us. We have been so fortunate that Chase has been healthy this entire pregnancy and we aren't about to jepardize that. And that brings us back to a planned c section.
Only in the past few hours have I felt better about having a c section. I was really upset about it last night, to the point where I was up all night. It hadn't even entered my head about having to have a c section and with the longer recovery and not being able to hold my baby immediately I wasn't too thrilled. As the day has gone on though I've become more excited knowing I'll be meeting him in 2 weeks and that he will arrive safely.
Both James and I can't wait for September 27th to get here, to finally meet our little man and see what he looks  like. I feel like a kid at waiting for Christmas to get here, multiplied by 1,000,000.
Throughout this whole journey we have appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers and would like to ask for them to continue for a safe delivery for Chase, a  speedy recovery for myself and for James to have the energy to take care of us :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The End Is In Sight....36 Weeks

Hi All, we are now onto weekly appointments!!!!!!!! I was anxious to hear what they would say at this appointment after last weeks trip to L&D. According to my doctor, we have one "very impatient baby on our hands". She said he is head down and extremely low. I am not dialated but about 75% effaced. She said he could stay this way for the next 4 weeks, but she thinks that is highly unlikely and won't make it to my due date. His heart rate was 144BPM, still my strong lil man. With the excitement of him being so low I totally forgot to ask how much she thinks he weighs at this point.

Overall I've bee feeling pretty good.The nurse today told me my blood pressure hasn't changed the entire pregnancy which is really good to know. I have been having frequent contractions but not in regular pattern. Today's contractions have been significantly stronger and more noticeable.

Here is me at 36 weeks

I'm very glad to say the nursery is ready and we have everything we need for Chase. I am so pleased with the way the room turned out and I had some help getting it done. David painted the room for us and then Leona helped me finish it off by putting up the decals and picking out curtains when she was in town for the shower.

After today's appointment I  made sure the hospital bag is ready to go....we will keep you all updated!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Shower Weekend & 34 Week Update

Just a little update on our guy Chase from our 34 week appointment. He is doing really well and his heartbeat was as strong as ever, which I always so grateful for. It was varying between 131 bpm and 140 bpm depending on if he was lying still or moving around. Our doctor is 99% sure that his head is down, which I think I have dropped over the past week and and I've felt a lot more pressure down that way. She did say she thinks he will be closer to 8lbs instead of being in the low 7's.

Overall I've been feeling great. Unfortunately the nausea, morning sickness and food aversions have returned, so much so I've had to take the zofran a couple of  times in the past week. Thank goodness there is only 6 more weeks to go.

This past weekend was very busy as it was our baby shower. We are are thankful to those that helped plan such a wonderful afternoon (Leona, Jen, Anna & Mom). The food was delicious (meatballs, cold cuts, dips, fruit and lots of cake), we played a few games and opened gifts. James and I are beyond grateful for all of the gifts for Chase, and for those who took the time out of their weekend to spend time with us. After going through all of the things we received, Chase will not be in need for anything so thank you all so much. I can't wait for him to meet all of you!

With running around so much this weekend I did have some braxton hicks contractions so the time is getting near :)

Here are some photos of the shower and me at 34 weeks.

The fruit baby and carriage Leona  made

34 weeks along

The blanket my Mum made

Guests playing games